Realize that this stuff saves LOCALLY, not over different devices
Realize that you can edit titles (the big white text at the top) by clicking them and unfocusing from them. If you hit enter while editing a title, you'll make a new list. If you hit backspace when it's empty, the list will get deleted. So be careful with that :(
Realize that you can customize the background of a list by using the prefix bgimg: in a list item, and then typing (or pasting) a URL. The next item will demonstrate:
Realize that you can customize whether or not you want the image to completely cover the entire list, plus blur the items by typing flag:fullbg and flag:itemblur in SEPARATE ITEMS. The list on the right demonstrates.
Now is a good time to double-check the list on the left.
Or remove this list. If you remove both lists, don't fret, just reload the page and this whole thing will pop up again!
Another item for demonstration purposes.